Hi, I'm Eddy, a freshman at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Welcome to my little corner of the internet!
I'm an aspiring software engineer with a strong foundation in Python and JavaScript frameworks. I love developing digital solutions that enhance user experiences, solve real-world problems, and make a genuine impact.
I'm also interested in researching AI safety, especially the alignment problem and transparent machine learning. I endeavor to design intelligent systems whose decision-making is more interpretable and aligned with human values.
While I'm not clacking away at my keyboard or brainstorming my next project, you can find me going on lengthy strolls across campus or jamming to my Vocaloid playlist.
This website will serve as my place to document my academic journey, showcase my projects, and share insights I've gained along the way. If any of this interests you or you'd like to collaborate, please reach out through the Contact page—I'd love to connect with you!
Thanks for stopping by!